Father Joseph Tuscan will lead our mission. Fr. Joseph currently serves as the national director of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers and in full-time preaching ministry for the Capuchin Province of St. Augustine, offering retreats and reflection days for parishes, Religious and Priests. Fr. Joseph can be viewed on several YouTube channels and has appeared on Catholic Radio and TV outlets.
Sunday, February 23: 7pm Mission Talk, The Greatest Threat to Holiness Today with confessions to follow. Monday, February 24: * 6:30pm Mass * 7pm Mission Talk, Pray, Hope and Don't Worry: How to raise faithful Catholics and Encourage the Return of Those Who Have Left Their Catholic Faith. Confessions to follow. Tuesday, February 25: * 6:30pm Mass * 7pm Video & Talk, The Solution: Forgiveness and the Holy Eucharist * 8pm Reception Video, talk and reception will be held in the Parish Hall. All other events will be held in the church.